Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your credit score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you need to get your credit score as high as possible.
Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your credit score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you need to get your credit score as high as possible. If one of your goals is not to use a credit card, then you...
Love Buying a Home series – Week 13 This step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to possession day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and understand.
This series wraps up today but stay tuned next week for a bon...
Love Buying a Home series – Week 12 This step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and understand. Make sure to tune in for the next couple of weeks as we wrap...
We’re not done just yet! Here’s a bonus article for my recent 13-part series, Love Buying a Home. This step-by-step series took you through the entire home-buying process -- from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day. Now you’ll learn a few tips on how take care of your new home and make it yours! Being a first...
Love Buying a Home – Week 11 This step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and understand. Make sure to tune in for the next few weeks!