Real Estate Resources

3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores

Posted on May 22, 2023

Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can affect your credit score for the worse. Even if you aren’t buying a home anytime soon, you don’t want to be surprised by your credit score when you want to buy a car or refinance, for example.
The decisions you make can hurt or help your score, and that’s why it’s better to ha...

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The 3 Questions Most Asked By Past Clients

Posted on May 08, 2023

I believe my job doesn’t end at the settlement table, and I want to be your resource for all things real estate related even after you move into your first home.
Below are the questions asked most by past clients who have bought a home with me. I hope the answers to these questions help you become a more informed homeowner too!

1.) Should I buy or s...

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Mortgage options to buy AND renovate a home

Posted on Apr 24, 2023

If you're a home buyer looking to purchase a property that needs renovations, you may be wondering how to finance the cost of those renovations. Fortunately, there are options available that allow you to include renovation costs in your mortgage.

One option is to consider a purchase plus improvement mortgage. This type of mortgage allows you to borr...

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Why You Should Know Your Exact Credit Score

Posted on Apr 24, 2023

Are you giving your credit score the attention it deserves? If you’re even thinking about buying a home or refinancing your current one in the near future, then you need to show it some love. Make sure you understand the ins and outs of your score and what you can do to make it more attractive to lenders.

How Is Your Credit Score Determined?
Your cre...

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Why the Interest Rate You See Online Is NOT the One You’ll Get

Posted on Apr 03, 2023

How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 5
Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful.
This week you’ll learn why the interest rate you see advertised online is not the one you’ll get. Th...

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Should You Get a Home Equity Loan or HELOC?

Posted on Mar 20, 2023

As a homeowner, you should have gained some equity in your home since living there and paying your mortgage down. Have you ever considered using this equity to finance some of your needs if you don’t have the cash flow?
A home equity loan or line of credit are two ways to get the necessary funds to finance an addition to your home, start your own b...

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